
Since 1993, the Global Retreat Centre near Oxford has welcomed thousands of people from across the world. The Centre offers residential and one-day retreats, as well as lectures, seminars and courses on meditation, personal growth and spiritual development.

It is administered by the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University UK – a registered charity since 1975. Around the world the Brahma Kumaris work in local communities in more than 120 countries, teaching Raja Yoga Meditation as a way of life to experience peace of mind and a positive approach to life. Locally, our services are offered via an extensive network of professional trained volunteers, right in the heart of communities.

Meeting ID: 880 4510 3731 Passcode: 301466

Thought for Today


Complications seem to be an inevitable by-product of modern living. Simplicity gives birth to inspirations. Keeping my own mind calm and clear is the easiest method to sort out messy situations. Maintaining a balance of living simply yet comfortably, and only using what I really need of the earth’s resources, I will always have abundance in my life.
